Semantically correct HTML


During this lecture we've been exploring and learning about writing semantically correct HTML. One could immediately argue that you don't actually have to write semantically correct html, so let's discuss why that is.

HTML = Freedom

HTML is a very simple language to learn since it doesn't have a lot of strict rules. For example, this article is written inside a <article> tag, but I've commented out the closing tag. This is fully possible in HTML, and will most likely render correctly on the client.

Task 3

I started out by writing a discussion about semantically correct HTML, but after some time I realized that it doesn't really matter... By now I hope you have realized that I'm not new to html and css, I'm here to learn Javascript, so thats what I'll do from now on. Of course I'll do the tasks and labs required, but thats about it.

PS. I think the <mark> tag produces absolutely horrendous output. I'm not entirely sure if the tasks/assignment requires all of the listed tags specifically, but here we go: ughhthhhg

The List

Originally I forgot to showcase that I do in fact know how to make a list in html, but here you go:
You may also have noticed that I usually don't like to write about myself or my hobbies in my assignments like the tasks specify, but here you go:

Three things I like

  1. Penguins
  2. Tea
  3. Containers (like docker containers, not IRL containers)